Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Weekly Workouts #8

Happy Tuesday!  This wasn't my best training week but I think that was because of my race.  I signed up as part of a team for a Halloween 5k.  I will put up a separate post with all the details.  Anyway, I had a 10 mile run on the schedule for Saturday. My son had hockey practice that afternoon so I thought I would run 7 miles on the treadmill while I was waiting for him.  After 3 miles my stomach wasn't feeling so great so I got off and used the restroom.  I felt a little better so I got back on thinking I could finish.  After about 1/2 a mile I got chilled and my stomach was churning so I decided it was time to quit.  I was so disappointed at first but then realized that I probably just overdid it.  My body was telling me enough!  Once we were home I jumped in the shower and laid down for a while.  My stomach cramped up on and off the rest of the day which resulted in us staying home from a costume party but I felt fine on Sunday.  Lesson learned! My plan is to just redo last week's training since I don't have a race that I have to be ready for on a specific date.  I need to stop being so hard on myself and realize that I am going to have good weeks and bad weeks.  And just because one run didn't happen, it doesn't mean my training is derailed.

Speaking of not having a race, I'm not sure that I ever mentioned it here.  I was unable to find a half marathon to run.  Race season has basically ended here.  I decided to continue the training and just run it on my own to prove to myself that I could do it.  I will train for a real race in the spring when one comes us.

Monday, 10/21: rest

Tuesday, 10/22: 3 mile run
                          arms and abs

Wednesday, 10/23: 5 mile run

Thursday, 10/24: 3 mile run
                           arms, chest and abs

Friday, 10/25: rest

Saturday, 10/26: 5k race (PR!)
                           3.5 additional miles

Sunday, 10/27: rest


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