Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 5k Fun Run Recap

Last Saturday a group of us got together to run our local Halloween 5k fun run.  We put a team together and since it was a mish mosh of people, we called ourselves the Mismatch Runners.  It made sense given the group and we thought it would make for some easy costume ideas.  I knew I didn't want to run in a full costume but could definitely put on some sort of mismatch gear and call it good.

Saturday morning we all met up and got ready for the race.  It wasn't a large race but for a smaller town, almost 1,200 participants was a pretty large group. 

I am always nervous on race day no matter what.  I think about all the what if's.  What if I have to go to the bathroom during.  What if I don't do as good as I want.  What if I don't finish.  Once the race starts and I get in a groove, I forget about the what if's.

I went into this race thinking about my PR and wondering if I could beat it.  I knew I could get close but didn't want to get disappointed if I didn't.  My son was running with our group so I decided not to put too much pressure on myself and to have a good time.

They counted down and soon enough we were off.  I felt good.  About 1/4 mile in I looked at my watch and saw that I was on pace for an 8:15 mile.  That's good for me considering all of the dodging of people you have to do in the beginning of a race.  I knew that I needed to speed it up if I had any chance of setting a new PR.

I only looked at my watch here and there to see where I was at but I decided to go by how I felt.  There were a decent amount of hills in this race and I am definitely not used to hills.  Training on hills is on my must do list.  They kicked my butt.  I powered through though.  The downhills towards the end saved me.

I saw the clock as I crossed the finish line and knew I was in the 24's (my previous PR was 24:51).  I was beyond excited when I saw my official time and it was 24:09!!!  A new PR!

I mentioned that my son ran this with me.  He is 11 years old and does not run on a regular basis.  He is very involved in athletics so that helps him but I am pretty darn proud of him for running and loving it!  This is his 4th 5k and his best!  Actually, proud doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.  I love this kid with everything I have!


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