Friday, May 17, 2013

Injury Update

In my last post I talked about seeing the podiatrist and where things stood with my foot.  I was able to run but at about 1.5 miles into my runs my foot would start to hurt.  It wasn't as bad as before but still not right  I decided to try some KT tape to see if that would help at all.

While it did seem to help some, I could tell that something still wasn't right.  I had made an appointment with my chiropractor when my foot started hurting but he is amazing and really hard to get into.  It took 4 weeks for me to get in.  I finally had my appointment last Wednesday.  I explained what the podiatrist had said about it being peroneal tendonitis.  He said that he agreed but that is an outdated term and diagnosis.  This particular chiropractor uses the Graston technique.  He worked the muscles on the outside of my right leg.  If you are looking at the picture above, he was working just to the left of where the tape is going up the side of my leg.  When he felt that was loosened up, he worked along the side of my foot.  It is somewhat painful in parts but it is one of those hurts so good things.  He told me to rest a day or two and try running.  I am so glad that I am here telling you that I have had almost no pain when running.  I have run 5 times since last Wednesday.  Those first couple of runs were 2 - 2.5 miles but the other 3 were over 3 miles.  At the very end of the runs I can tell that something just isn't right in that area on the outside of my foot but it is not painful.  I went back to him today for a follow up and he worked my foot a little more.  He thinks I should be good now.  I am so excited to start slowly increasing my mileage again.  I am definitely going to ease into it so I don't overdo it right now.

If you have an injury, be sure to rest and see a doctor or chiropractor.  I am positive that if I hadn't gotten it checked out it would still be bothering me.

Happy Friday!! 
